Fascinating Facts About Rebirth | Rebirth Facts | Artha

2019-02-05 12

Since ages, reincarnation, transmigration or rebirth has been a fascinating concept. Many popular cultures talk about this concept and half of our planet's population believes in it. Watch this video to understand what Hinduism says about rebirth.

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1 The Hindu Philosophy teaches its followers that, every individual has a unique soul (Jeeva).

2 Jeeva is bound to be reborn in Samsara, which means a cycle of death and rebirth in the material world.

3 It is said that each soul passes through seven life cycles, after which the soul is automatically liberated.

4 Lord Krishna mentioned in Bhagavad Gita that death is not the end of life as human body dies, soul does not.

5 He said that entire world keeps wandering in an ongoing journey around the circle of rebirth and reincarnation.

6 In a similar manner, the person will surely reincarnate if he meets a sudden death and has unfinished desires.

7 It is also said in Bhagavad Gita that individual soul is immortal and everlasting.

8 According to the Bhagavad Gita, a person can decide as to what he/she wants to become in their next life.

9 The soul has to travel from one body to another in the endless cycle of rebirths until he attains Moksha.

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